The Universe Moodle Theme.
The theme is fully compatible with the latest Moodle version (4.5, 4.4 & 4.3).
Learn how to use this theme. Check out the theme documentation.

Standard, Lifetime License
Updates and bug fixes
Trusted users
Compatible with 4.x
We are hiring!
Meet our team

Anna Johnson

Eva Smith

Max McAuliffe

Maria Fox
Available courses
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LocalForage is a popular browsers typically expose host environment in the host environment for ...
LocalForage is a popular browsers typically expose host environment in the host environment for ...
Powerful, fully responsive, and easy-to-use Moodle Theme. Works with Moodle 4.1, 4.0. Theme ...

Start teaching online by purchasing Universe.
Below, I have identified and outlined some of the features of the Universe.
- Compatible with Moodle 4.1 and 4.2
- Custom Color Courses
- 22+ Fully Customizable Blocks
- Lifetime updates
- Super friendly support
- Translation Ready
* $99/$149 + tax for a lifetime license.
Check all Moodle ThemesUniversity for Moodle
Key Features of the Theme
Compatible with Moodle 4.5, 4.4 & 4.3
Get the Universe!
Help & Support
With your purchase of the Universe Moodle Theme, you will receive:
- 6 months of free professional support.
- 8 bundled premium plugins.
- 22+ prebuilt front-page blocks,
- Completely redesigned Moodle interface,
- Detailed documentation, continually updated to ensure everything is current.
- Free, consistent, and stable updates to ensure compatibility with industry standards & trends.
- Monocolor works with popular 3rd party Moodle plugins
You can use standard ThemeForest support form (on the product page) or use dedicated <a href="" target="_blank">support page</a>.